Review: Professional Master’s in Public Administration at FGV EBAPE

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Professional Master's in Public Administration at FGV EBAPE
Review M.P.A at FGV EBAPE
A comprehensive and flexible Master's program in Public Administration offered by a reputed institution in Brazil, suitable for professionals looking to make a mark in the public sector. 9.2

Key Information:

  • Campus Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Languages: Portuguese
  • Study Format: Blended
  • Duration: 22 months
  • Pace: Part-time
  • Tuition Fees: BRL 79,817 per course
  • Payment plans available in up to 30 installments.
  • Application Deadline: 18 Nov 2023


Established in 2012 to address the evolving needs of the Brazilian public sector, the Master in Public Administration (MAP) by FGV EBAPE is a professionally-oriented postgraduate course. Following CAPES guidelines, it allows students to merge their professional life with academic pursuits, making knowledge transfer to public organizations seamless and effective.

Who is it for?
This program is designed for directors, managers, and other senior-level professionals in both direct and indirect civil service entities across all government levels. It’s an excellent fit for individuals looking to enhance their public administration skills while still being active in their respective professions.

Curriculum Highlights:

  • Lines of Research: Emphasis on Public Policies and Governance and Public Administration, reflecting the real-world complexities of the Brazilian public sector.
  • Courses & Seminars: The curriculum is enriched with international modules, Graduate Seminars, and Workshops, emphasizing high-quality discussions and global perspectives.
  • Structures and Disciplines: A balanced mix of mandatory and elective courses, allowing for a tailored educational experience.

Program Outcomes:
Graduates will be equipped to be leaders in Brazil’s civil service sector. The program prepares individuals to offer consulting services, take on middle to senior management positions in the civil service, and further their academic pursuits.

Career Prospects:
With the weight of a degree from FGV EBAPE and the comprehensive training received, graduates can expect lucrative opportunities in:

  • Senior leadership roles in Brazil’s civil service sector
  • Consultancy roles, advising public organizations on best practices and strategies
  • Academic roles, progressing to doctoral studies or taking up teaching positions in reputed institutions

The Professional Master’s in Public Administration by FGV EBAPE, with its blend of rigorous academics and practical insights, sets the stage for graduates to be at the forefront of public administration in Brazil. Whether aiming for a leadership role, consultancy, or academia, this program is the key to unlocking those aspirations.

Testimonials: Insights from Students

“I was able to apply new knowledge and skills toward all three of my careers and it has allowed me to advance my understanding of difficult policy topics and make well-informed decisions.”


“In June 2017, at the age of 57 and with no experience as a politician, I decided to run for mayor of Norwalk, Connecticut.”


“I was glad I had my textbook with me that night. Our class just wrapped up a case study on Hurricane Katrina and how government agencies failed to prepare for the massive natural disaster.”


“American’s MPAP program was the only program where I could see myself being fully positioned and prepared for my career goals.”


“I never thought going back to graduate school, the step I meant to take back in 2004 but got pushed back due to landing a dream job and adding members to my now perfectly formed family, would…”


“The Introduction to the Policy Analysis Process equipped me not only with tools of the policy analysis trade, but with generally applicable problem-solving skills.”


Review M.P.A at FGV EBAPE
A comprehensive and flexible Master's program in Public Administration offered by a reputed institution in Brazil, suitable for professionals looking to make a mark in the public sector. 9.2
Program Structure 9 out of 10
Duration & Pace 9 out of 10
Tuition Fees 8 out of 10
Curriculum Depth 10 out of 10
Accreditations 10 out of 10
Location & Accessibility 9 out of 10
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